Artists and Critics

Artists and critics
can seem
like two sides
of the same coin,
as often
both stand
in close proximity
to one another,
but they could not be
more dissimilar.

An artist
needs no other person
to exist;
he needs only
to make art.

A critic
has no inherent existence,
but is a response to
and a consequence of
an artist
first creating.

Without the artist,
there can be no critic,
but the critic’s absence
hinders neither
brush nor pen.

Author: J. Anton Davis

Hi, my name is Jacob Anton (ANN-tin) Davis. I am a husband, father, attorney, and writer. I have written poetry and fiction as a hobby for the past 20 years, but I launched J. Anton Poetry in 2019 to share my writing publicly. The poems of mine on this site largely describe my thoughts about the deeper connections and meaning in our everyday lives.

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