Facing Lions

Often in life,
it is the dreams
we care about most
that make us tremble
when they come
within reach.

We stand
before these dreams,
staring blankly,
as if facing down
a lion,
its teeth bared
beneath fiery eyes,
our uncertainty
by the fearless
of our adversary.

If, however,
we can muster
the courage
to take one step
the lion’s fangs
will dull slightly,
and appear less sharp
than they were before,
while our tense muscles
will feel the twinge
of adrenaline and power,
the first temptations
of a thrilling chase,
where the lion
is the hunted,
not the hunter.

While the lion
will roar
at this intrusion,
if we can take
another step
the first signs of fear
will flash across
its face,
as one paw,
ever so slightly,
slides backward.

Our next decision,
will be the most important,
and will determine
the outcome
of this dangerous
staring contest;
it is then,
for the first time,
that we will actually feel
the heat
of the lion’s breath,
and it is then
that his roar
will shake
the very earth
beneath our feet;
it is then
that we must decide.

We must decide
whether our first steps
were a dangerous
and foolish bluff,
projecting more courage
than we actually possessed,
or a sign of strength,
a dominance of the will,
and an acceptance
of the fight to come.

What, then,
will we do?

You and I both
will discover
the answer
when we are,
with all hope,
face to face
with the teeth,
claws, and roar
of an elusive dream,
one that is too proud
to be captured or tamed
without a fight.

Consider the risks
of picking
such a fight;
consider also
the risks
of not doing so.

Author: J. Anton Davis

Hi, my name is Jacob Anton (ANN-tin) Davis. I am a husband, father, attorney, and writer. I have written poetry and fiction as a hobby for the past 20 years, but I launched J. Anton Poetry in 2019 to share my writing publicly. The poems of mine on this site largely describe my thoughts about the deeper connections and meaning in our everyday lives.

2 thoughts on “Facing Lions

  1. This poem reminds me of a quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes:

    “When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the World, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it come off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away timid adventurers.”

    1. Dillon, I love the quote. Such a good reminder that a lot of times the things that intimidate us are usually not so scary, and even set up their own precautions because of their fear of us!

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