On Loan from God

A friend
and a father
once said
that our children
are on loan
to us
from God,
as each child
has his or her
own purpose
for being,
which is separate
and distinct
from the lives
of the child’s parents.

With that understanding,
what a great gift
it is for parents
to be allowed
to play a part
in the unique lives
of their children,
not as those
who have given life
to their child,
but as those
who have received
from God
a child’s life
for safekeeping.

Author: J. Anton Davis

Hi, my name is Jacob Anton (ANN-tin) Davis. I am a husband, father, attorney, and writer. I have written poetry and fiction as a hobby for the past 20 years, but I launched J. Anton Poetry in 2019 to share my writing publicly. The poems of mine on this site largely describe my thoughts about the deeper connections and meaning in our everyday lives.

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