To Know

In relation to one’s calling,
ignorance is not bliss;
it is confusion
and frustration,
and wondering,
and dissatisfaction.

Better to work every day
as a laborer, knowing
in your heart
that you are a painter,
than to paint every day
and not know why.

The knowing laborer
can dream
while he works,
envisioning the days
when he might paint
from dawn until dusk,
reveling in his thoughts
as if that were his reality.

If the aimless painter
dreams at all,
it is of fickle ventures
and plans that change
as often as the moon
in its cycle.

it is better to know
your calling
and not do it
than to do
your calling
and not know it.

One has clarity and hope,
the other, only confusion
and uncertainty.

Author: J. Anton Davis

Hi, my name is Jacob Anton (ANN-tin) Davis. I am a husband, father, attorney, and writer. I have written poetry and fiction as a hobby for the past 20 years, but I launched J. Anton Poetry in 2019 to share my writing publicly. The poems of mine on this site largely describe my thoughts about the deeper connections and meaning in our everyday lives.

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