The Columns of Man

We each stand
atop our own column,
denoting our place
on this earth.

The columns rise
or fall
beneath our feet,
depending upon the positions
which we are given.

Those who stand tall
so that all the world
will look upon them,
giving them praise
for their high place,
stand on precarious footing,
vulnerable to falling
from the height
of their column
or causing it to sink
toward the earth
to correct
their misconceptions
of worth
and praise.

Those who kneel,
who press their foreheads
to the rough surface
upon which they stand,
will not know
whether their column rises
or falls
beneath them,
but will take joy and security
in their position,
no matter its height,
for their head
and whole being
are bowed
and firmly grounded.

Author: J. Anton Davis

Hi, my name is Jacob Anton (ANN-tin) Davis. I am a husband, father, attorney, and writer. I have written poetry and fiction as a hobby for the past 20 years, but I launched J. Anton Poetry in 2019 to share my writing publicly. The poems of mine on this site largely describe my thoughts about the deeper connections and meaning in our everyday lives.

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